Comparisons between tomato netting and raffia in tomato harvesting

This netting is a practical and affordable option for many growers. It is made with fiberglass and wire mesh, and is used to suspend tomatoes from a plant. This gives the tomato additional support to grow. Tomato netting also protects tomatoes from predators, such as insects and birds. This woven netting can also reduce tomato loss and help keep tomatoes protected during storms. This means growers can harvest firmer, healthier tomatoes.

Raffia is a less common option for harvesting tomatoes. It is made from natural materials, such as leather, rope and fabric. Raffia rope surrounds the stems of the tomato plant to provide additional support for the growing tomatoes. Raffia is also used to harvest tomatoes, as it can be used to wrap the tomatoes. This helps protect the tomato from sun, rain and animal damage. In addition, the raffia rope insulates the fruit from hard soils, which contributes to better quality tomatoes.

Tomato net and raffia have their own pros and cons when it comes to harvesting tomatoes. Tomato net provides additional support for the growing tomatoes, and also protects the fruit from predators. However, the mesh is more expensive to install and may require some maintenance to ensure that the stubs don’t get stuck in it. Raffia, on the other hand, provides a protective envelope for tomatoes and is relatively inexpensive to install. In addition, raffia is maintenance-free, but may require the help of a person to ensure proper wrapping. In general, it is difficult to say which method is best for harvesting tomatoes. It depends a lot on the farmer’s preference and budget.

tomato net
Using tomato stake netting is a great way to provide support for your plants and keep them well organized as they grow.

Why is tomato netting better than raffia in tomato crops?

It is well known that starting to grow tomatoes is one of the best forms of gardening for beginners. One of the main decisions a gardener must make is whether to use tomato net or raffia to support tomato stems. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages; however, tomato net is a better choice. Tomato net is mainly used to secure the tomato stems to the support, which prevents the tomato from buckling through the soil. In addition, this net is more durable, more weather resistant, stronger and does not wrinkle.

Compared to raffia, tomato net is generally more stable, stronger and more durable. This netting is resistant to exposure to the elements, which means it will not be damaged by heat, cold or wind. It’s also resistant to insects and other pests, so you can ensure your tomatoes stay safe. And because it’s made of durable material, it can be reused.

Tomato net also comes with some additional advantages. For example, tomato net helps stabilize the soil around the plant, improving the health of the tomatoes, which gives them more life and resilience. Tomato net also protects tomatoes from common enemies that can attack plants, such as worms, insects or other pests.

In contrast to tomato net, raffia will often need to be replaced more frequently. This raffia is much more fragile than tomato netting and is subject to weathering, insects and other pests. Its life span is generally shorter and it can be more easily destroyed by wind or rain. As a result, raffia needs to be replaced more frequently. You should also keep in mind that tomato netting is generally cheaper than raffia.

tomato netting
The mesh must be supported by posts or structures that keep it elevated from the ground.

And what gains does a trellis mesh provide over raffia?

Tomato netting has many advantages over the use of raffia. The mesh is much more resistant to impact, nail and handling and safe to use, unlike raffia. The extreme strength of the netting, coupled with its light weight, allows it to better absorb sunlight, making it the ideal material for fruit growing design. In addition, it is an environmentally responsible product that facilitates the disposal of organic waste.

One of the main advantages of using tomato netting is that tomatoes can be grown with a higher yield. This tomato netting provides better support for the fruit, allowing for better plant stability. This translates into a greater quantity of fruit, due to the greater exposure to sun and air, which allows for accelerated growth. Tomato netting also facilitates cleaning between crops, preventing the spread of diseases.

In addition to improving the profitability of tomato cultivation, the use of tomato netting has other advantages. One advantage is space saving, which occurs due to the rigidity of the netting. A tomato net can be transported and stored much more easily than a raffia, as it is much flatter. This also allows growers to harvest with less post-harvesting and less mess in the growing area.

Finally, one of the main advantages of using tomato netting instead of raffia is the time savings. Tomato netting allows growers to work faster and more efficiently, which means they can support more crops in less time. This is due to the fact that tomato netting is the fastest and most efficient support technique for tomato cultivation. In conclusion, the use of tomato netting instead of raffia is a more cost-effective option for growers and ecologists.

The growht process of a tomato

1) The first step in growing tomato plant is planting. This can be carried out in different ways; seed, grafting or scion planting. Although seed planting is the most common, grafting and planting cuttings are used to speed up the process and achieve earlier and more stable crops.

2) Once the tomato plants has been sown, the germination process begins. The substrate substrate must be kept moist and warm (between 20 and 25°C) for this process to take place. During germination, the plant must be cared for with direct sunlight and the substrate must be kept moist. Germination lasts, on average, 6 days.

3)Once the germinated plants have been transplanted to the garden or pot, they should be fertilized periodically to provide the necessary nutrients for the good development of the tomatoes. The fertilizer should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which help the tomato to grow vigorously.

4) During growth, tomatoes should be watered periodically in moderation to keep the soil moist. Also, it is important to watch for the presence of diseases and pests so the top of the tomato plant should be hung up to prevent it from resting on the ground.

5) Flowering is the next step in the growth process. This is a very important process because it is during this process that the tomato will begin to bear fruit. The presence of bees and mosquitoes must be controlled so that they do not undo the work of the natural pollinators.

6) A few weeks after flowering, the tomatoes will begin to ripen. At this point it is important to monitor plant growth and yield. In case the fruit is not ripe, you can cover it with aluminum foil to speed up the process.

tomato plants
The mesh is placed along the rows of tomato plants.

How to detect anomalies in the growth of a tomato plant

Monitoring the growth of a tomato plant is important for growers to detect possible abnormalities, diseases or any other abnormalities. To detect these abnormalities, growers should have an overview of how a tomato plant should grow and any changes in growth pattern should be cause for investigation. Growth abnormalities can be an early sign of trouble and help growers take early action should a problem arise. To begin, growers should determine how long it takes for a tomato plant to fully develop. The time a plant takes to grow depends on the type of tomato plant, the plant variety, and the time of year. Therefore, growers should be aware of these factors to identify the length of time a plant should take to complete the growth cycle. If the plant takes too long to mature, it is an indication of an anomaly.

Once growers have established maturity times for each tomato plant, they should closely observe each plant for any stress. The vigor of the plant should be consistent throughout its development. Common signs may include relative stem size, uniform leaf size and pigmentation, normal root size and, in general, a healthy, nourished and uniform appearance. If any deviation in plant appearance is observed, it should be investigated to discover the cause. In addition, growers should also consider the height at which the plant is located. Height is directly related to the growth cycle of the tomato plant. One tomato plant can mature much faster than another of the same variety if planted in unsuitable soil. The deeper the soil, the taller the plant will grow. If planted in poor soil and away from the sun, the plant will grow slowly and may be a sign of an anomaly.

tomato nets
As the plants grow, they are tied to the mesh.

Tomato plantation

It is important for growers to be aware of inclement weather. The tomato plant is especially sensitive to extreme weather changes and such changes should be evaluated after any sudden sign of anomaly. In fact, a single highly concentrated thunderstorm falling on a mature tomato planting can cause fruit to rot or development to stop. To detect anomalies in the growth of a tomato plant, it is important for growers to know what to expect from the growth of that plant, and to pay attention to both its behavioral changes and any details that are not within the normal growth pattern. These measures will help growers take corrective action in time to remedy problems and recover an adequate crop. Getting started with treating abnormalities on a tomato plant can be a challenge.

These pests and diseases can devastate a crop and further weaken the plant if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to know the proper processes for detecting, treating and preventing these abnormalities on a tomato plant. The first rule of thumb to follow for detecting abnormalities on a tomato plant is to never rely solely on sight when detecting a potential abnormality. Using the eye to quickly detect an abnormality is an important step, but there are more strategies a grower can use and be sure they are covering all areas of their planting. Growers should use a good inspection system, either manual or digital, to monitor their crops for characteristic signs of pests or diseases. Focusing on specific symptoms and signs of pests is critical.

The future of support mesh fot tomatoes in agriculture


The future of support mesh fot tomatoes in agriculture is very promising. This innovative technique offers growers an efficient and cost-effective way to get the best harvesting results for their crops.

Tomatoes have been one of the world’s oldest crops. For years, growers have been trying to improve the way they harvest them. Although there have been many advances in harvesting methods. One of the biggest breakthroughs recently was the introduction of support mesh fot tomatoes. Support mesh fot tomatoes is an innovation in the method of harvesting tomatoes and has radically change the way tomatoes are harvested. It allows growers to harvest their tomatoes more safely and efficiently. The netting acts like a net that is place around the tomatoes and holds them in place so that harvest workers can pick them with ease. This revolutionary tool eliminates the frustrating task of raking and harvesting tomatoes by hand. In addition, it also helps prevent crop loss due to wind, sun, dust or bad weather.

Before support mesh fot tomatoes, farmers were limit by manual harvesting methods and workers spent many hours picking tomatoes off individual stems one by one

This was time consuming and not an easy task. In addition, many tomatoes were broke or deteriorated during the harvesting process. It has also helped growers harvest twice or even three times as many tomatoes in the same amount of time. Now, harvest workers can spend less time reactivating tomatoes from tree to tree and more time harvesting the crop. This means that growers can increase their production in a short period of time.

Farmers can now be confident that tomatoes will be in perfect condition when they reach the market. This allows farmers to produce better quality tomatoes at a lower price, making them more profitable. In addition, the use of the netting allows farmers to obtain a higher crop yield. Which in turn helps to reduce the cost of production. We can conclude that it has had a great impact on the tomato industry. It has made harvesting much faster, easier and more efficient. In addition, it has helped growers produce better quality tomatoes and higher yields. Support mesh fot tomatoes has changed the way tomatoes are harvest and will surely continue to be an essential tool for growers for many years to come.

support mesh fot tomatoes cultivation
Thanks to the tomato support netting, farmers can be sure that the tomatoes will be in perfect condition when they reach the market.

With support mesh fot tomatoes, growers can obtain better yields from their crops

Saving the time and effort required to manually remove weeds and predators. In addition, growers can enjoy better control over the quality and production of their tomatoes. Allowing them to obtain optimum yields of the final products. It also offers the advantage of improved pest control. This innovative technique allows growers to detect and control pests early in the growing process, providing them with optimal results.

In addition, this technique also helps control weed invasion. As effective control of these competing plants can significantly improve crop yields.

This netting is among the main techniques of organic and sustainable agriculture. This practice allows farmers to obtain the same results as using traditional pesticides, but without resorting to harmful chemicals. This organic farming alternative is an excellent way to fight environmental pollution and also promotes safe food production for consumers.

Because of these advantages of support mesh fot tomatoes. More and more farmers are adopting this technique, suggesting a promising future for agriculture. Support mesh fot tomatoes is expected to become a commonly used technique by farmers around the world. In particular, farmers will continue to seek innovative and effective solutions to increase the productivity of their crops. Leading to a successful future for support mesh fot tomatoes.

Technological advances are contributing to the development of support mesh fot tomatoes as a commonly used technique in agriculture

With the development of improved technologies, support mesh fot tomatoes is becoming increasingly effective in controlling pests and weeds. As well as allowing for better crop management. These advances will significantly improve farmers’ profitability when using support mesh fot tomatoes, and contribute to its increasing adoption worldwide.

All in all, the future of support mesh fot tomatoes in agriculture is very promising. This innovative technique offers growers optimal results and will allow growers to obtain better yields from their tomatoes. In addition, this technique will also contribute to a more sustainable agriculture, reducing the use of harmful chemicals and allowing better pest and weed control. Finally, technological progress will continue to contribute to the development of support mesh fot tomatoes as a commonly used technique in agriculture.

Trellis net on tomato plant with wooden stake
The technique of using the support netting is innovative because it offers growers optimal results and will allow them to obtain better yields from their tomatoes.

Why does support mesh fot tomatoes provide better economics for the farmer?

Tomato netting is one of the support techniques for growing tomatoes that has proven to be very effective in ensuring a top quality crop at low cost. This technique consists of a mesh system formed by a rigid fabric that envelops each plant between one and two meters in height. This mesh serves to reinforce the structure of the plant and allows the opening of corridors between the stems, which makes it easier to carry out tasks such as harvesting and preparing the soil for planting.

It has proved to be a profitable investment for the farmer, since its use favors better economy. This is mainly due to the time savings and lower consumption of resources generated by not having to resort to traditional methods such as manual pruning. Tomato netting reduces the number of workers required for this task, which significantly reduces labor costs. In addition, the costs associated with the purchase of pruning-related inputs such as saws or knives are avoided.

One of the main advantages of using tomato netting is that it facilitates harvesting

Since the netting forms gutters between each row so that the harvesters can pass through more easily. This translates into significant time savings, since harvesting time is reduced and subsequent preparation of the harvest is facilitated. Also, waste is avoided by not having to discard tomatoes that have fallen or have deteriorated for reasons. Such as excessive pruning or the lack of an adequate means of protection before reaching the market.

An additional form of profit associated with support mesh fot tomatoes is the significant protection it offers from diseases and pests. This is especially valuable when the plant is in its growth stage, thus ensuring maximum balance between the different microorganisms and nutrient richness in the soils. In addition, some variations of netting types allow partial shading of the tomato plants with ropes or vertical wires between each row. This favors tomato quality by accelerating the ripening process and minimizing sun-induced damage.

This netting results in a scientifically proven practice to promote more efficient economics by saving the farmer time and resources, while repelling diseases and pests that would damage tomatoes. Its benefits make this technique a sound investment for all those involved in tomato growing.

Greenhouse with tomato cultivation
The tomato plant protection netting is a scientifically proven practice to promote a more efficient economy by saving time and resources for the farmer.

3 best types of tomato crops netting

Tomato crops netting is a versatile tool for tomato crops.

The best types of tomato crops netting allow tomatoes to grow much taller than other types of traditional grids, protect the fruit from rain and other weather elements, and keep trees clustered and spaced apart for greater productivity.

Then, you should choose the right mesh according to the size of the fruit. There are different mesh sizes and the size of the apertures also influences the yield. A mesh with more density offers better stability to growing tomatoes, but it is more difficult to climb. On the other hand, larger mesh size will have greater traction, allowing the tomatoes to grow more freely. You should also pay special attention to the weight of the product. If you select a mesh with too large a diameter, the weight may be too high, which will make the mesh impossible to install and work with.

Tomato crops

1. The first option is a tomato netting with galvanized wire.

Galvanized wire is one of the most frequently used mesh covers for tomato crops. It has a height suitable for use with tomatoes of different varieties, providing the strength and stability needed to support the fruit. The galvanized wire lined mesh design prevents climbing by animals or pests. Galvanized wire tomato netting provides adequate planting area and offers maximum protection for tomatoes.

2. The second option is a tomato netting with plastic covering and HDPE mesh.

This netting is a form of heavy-duty plastic coated netting to provide the tomato crop with some shade, prevent insects and rain from entering the harvest area and prevent poor growth. HDPE tomato netting is designed to allow sunlight diffusion to encourage tomato growth, and also prevent fruits from dropping. This tomato netting is perfect for large trees such as fruit trees, offering the grower the protection and support needed for optimum production.

3. There is a wire mesh tomato netting.

The wire mesh material provides the durability and strength needed to ensure that tomatoes are kept safe while harvesting. This wire mesh is designed to provide the crop with protection from insects, rain and decay. Its high strength will allow the tree to grow tall to allow tomatoes to be harvested with ease. The design of the wire mesh tomato netting adapts to different tree sizes, making it perfect for any orchard.

Any of these galvanized wire tomato netting, hHDPE netting or wire mesh is a great option for growers. Each of these systems has its advantages, and it is important to choose the one that best matches the planting. These three variations of tomato netting are sure to help the grower achieve a successful production of the best tomatoes.

Tomato crops

How to choose the most suitable tomato netting for my tomato crop

Tomato netting plays an important role in choosing the right tomato netting for your tomato crop. The netting will help you improve the quality of your production and get the best results from your crop. When choosing the right netting, you should consider several factors. First, you should consider the mechanical strength of the netting. This is essential for resistance to abrasion and deformation. A strong material can withstand wind gusts, weight of harvested crops and damage from routine cultivation. Tomato netting is made of raw materials such as stabilized polypropylene, stainless steel, fiberglass, PP, PE, PET, galvanized steel wire and PVC coated wire.

Also, consider the space available for installation.

The height of the lighting screen should be higher than the height of the tomatoes to allow for good air and light circulation. In general, a mesh with a thickness of three or more millimeters will have sufficient strength to provide long-term security. In addition, be sure to purchase a tomato netting with a resilient material strength to improve yield and production control.

Price should also be an important factor when choosing tomato netting. If buying online, be sure to study all pricing and dealer terms. As always, it is best to seek references to get a good perspective before making a purchasing decision. The quality of the screen is as important as the price. If you choose a low-cost screen, you may end up with a fragile, brittle, wax-take-up fabric that will not meet your production expectations.

Once you gather all the information, be patient and be sure to look at all the options and features before making a decision. Since bad take-wax is so important to your production, poor performance in your choice will mean lower quality and higher cost. If you follow the tips above and search online for reference on the major manufacturers of tomato mesh, you should be able to find the right option to meet your tomato production needs.

Tomato crops

What are the benefits of choosing the right trellis netting?

This netting can be a long-term investment, but its advantages are many and growers who choose to use it will obtain good fruit. Tomato netting prevents fruit loss. Tomatoes do not always hold up easily on the plant, especially when winter arrives. Even when the plant is in good condition, forced wind can cause fruit to fall. The netting they are in protects the fruits from high winds, keeping them on the tree. This means that if there is a problem with the weather, the grower can recover the fruit.

In addition, tomato crop netting helps reduce the number of pests and diseases associated with the crop. This netting acts as a barrier to pests that want access to the plants. Growers often use insecticides to combat these insects, but they can damage plant health if abused. Using a netting prevents these insects from reaching the plant area, which helps reduce the overuse of insecticides. In addition, netting also helps limit the spread of diseases such as mildew and gray rot. These diseases tend to spread rapidly in plantations without netting, but can be prevented with its use.

Tomato netting improves tomato crops quality.

The fruits hold better and lose less moisture when exposed to a limited amount of sunlight and this means that the flavor of the tomatoes is improved. This netting also prevents the tomatoes from hitting each other, which means that uniform and better quality tomatoes can be obtained. In addition, this mesh ensures good air flow, promoting better plant health, which allows for a larger harvest.

As you can see, there are many advantages of using netting for tomato cultivation. It helps prevent fruit loss, reduce the number of pests and diseases, and improve tomato quality and size. This netting requires a long-term investment, but if properly cared for, it can last for many years. Growers who decide to invest in tomato netting will obtain good results and will be able to maximize the quality of the fruits obtained.

Evolution of tomato cultivation with tomato netting

Tomato netting is a mesh used for the healthy growth of tomatoes

it is a type of mesh used to support and guide tomato plants as they grow. This mesh is made of strong plastic and has small holes that allow branches to pass through. Using a tomato net can have several benefits for gardeners. First, it allows tomato plants to grow upright, which maximizes exposure to sun and air. This can improve fruit set and prevent fungal diseases that can arise when the leaves of the plant are in contact with the soil.Also, the use of a tomato net can make it easier to access the tomatoes for harvesting, since the fruits grow in the holes in the netting and are easy to reach. The mesh can also protect the tomatoes from birds or other creatures that might want to eat them before they are ripe.

Using a tomato net can also make the gardeners job easier by keeping tomato plants neat and in one direction. This makes watering, fertilizing, and pruning easier and more efficient. Overall, the tomato net is a useful tool for gardeners who want to maximize fruit production from their tomato plants. By keeping plants upright, improving sun and air exposure, and making tomatoes easier to access for harvesting, tomato netting can help improve the health and productivity of tomato plants.

tomato netting
Tomato mesh is a structure used in horticulture to support and guide the vertical growth of tomato plants.

Preserves and improves crop quality with tomato netting

This mesh was the beginning of modern fruit growing, since it was essential to preserve the optimal qualities of the fruit and to optimize production. In the late 19th century, farmers began making tomato nets from weather-resistant polypropylene. This net was specially designed to protect tomatoes from bad weather. The netting kept the sun off the tomato for longer fruit life, as well as a wider distribution of sunlight for optimal growth. In addition, it also helped protect the tomato from insects, moths, and other pests. The tomato net was perfected over the years. Different types of synthetic fibers and polypropylene were developed to improve ventilation, better heat distribution and weather resistance. In recent years, synthetic woven mesh panels have been created to improve the sunlight absorption capacity of tomatoes. These panels also provide additional protection against wind and ultraviolet rays.

The evolution of these new fabrics has improved the permissiveness of the mesh, reducing the space between the threads to increase resistance to the elements. Recent technological advances have contributed to increasing the productivity of tomato cultivation. There are polypropylene mesh fabrics resistant to the sun’s rays. In addition, there are also synthetic fabrics that are wind resistant and have anti-UV properties. These meshes allow better absorption of sunlight and resistance to insects, as well as superior durability to other fabrics. It has also become an important aspect of organic production. These tissues allow for the production of organic tomatoes and allow fruiting to occur without the use of chemical pesticides. This also allows the soil to remain fertile and healthy so the tomatoes continue to grow strong and healthy.

How has tomato growing changed in recent years?

With the advent of increasingly advanced growing technology, the way tomatoes are grown has undergone a major change in recent years. From the way tomatoes are planted to the way they are harvested and stored on the market, tomato farming has changed a lot in the last few years. The most common method of growing tomatoes has changed to accommodate new environmental and health requirements. In the past, tomatoes were grown in open fields, and as they spread across the field, growers controlled their development and harvest. Now, however, tomato cultivation is mainly through protected cultivation, where tomatoes are planted in greenhouses and their growth is controlled through the use of automatic irrigation systems, pesticides, and other environmental factors. There has also been an increase in the adoption of precision agriculture for tomato cultivation.

trellis mesh in tomato cultivation
It is a kind of mesh that is placed in tomato orchards to prevent the plants from spreading along the ground and to facilitate their growth in height.

Advances in harvesting methods have contributed to the increase in tomato production worldwide thanks to the use of trellis mesh. Traditionally, the tomato harvest relied on numerous manual workers to harvest tomatoes with their hands. However, now the tomatoes are harvested with machines that allow for greater harvesting capacity. These machines can pick more tomatoes at a much faster rate than humans, resulting in more tomato production. There has been an improvement in the way tomatoes are stored in the markets. Previously, tomatoes were stored cold, which often led to a loss of ripeness and nutritional qualities. Tomatoes are now stored in warmer conditions, which better preserve their nutritional qualities and maintain moderate ripeness.

Importance of Using Tomato Net

Produce Healthier Tomatoes by Using Tomato Net System

Netting or trellising is a common practice in crop farming. This support system is significant with growing tomatoes because it has been proven to be a very effective system. When tomato net is in place, tomatoes are relieved of pests, potential damage and weed attacks.

tomato plant with support net

The tomato net provide to your crops to get the best growth of the plant.

Tutoring Tomatoes Result in Better Yields

Tutoring tomatoes has been gaining popularity as a farming practice that result in proper management and increased yield. This practice helps provide a supporting structure that takes care of the plants during their growing stage.

Tomatoes, just like any other vegetable crops require regular and sufficient sunlight exposure. Sunlight allows the crops to produce more fruits, and to achieve that at least eight hours of daily sunlight exposure must be assured. When you tutor the tomato, you expose the plant to sunlight and thus making it easier to yield more fruits. Tomatoes grow well with tutoring because they get to have the strength to carry fruit weights.

tomato plant using support net

The net helps to the tomato crops to the development of the harvest of the tomato.

There are many other benefits that can be gained for tutoring tomato plants. Tutoring provides effective support that allows the plant to hold the branches well and in place. It also prevents the tomato plants from leaning their weights onto the ground.

Humidity is bad for tomatoes and tutoring prevents this from happening because it protects the plants from rotting during humid weathers. Modern-day tomato fruits are bigger and therefore chances of the branched breaking are always possible. Tutoring prevents this, as well as the weight of the fruit can be effectively averted so that the branches are secured against breaking.

Tomato Net – The Best Trellis for the Best Yield

Using tomato net is essential for solar exposition that is an established fact. Trellising tomato plants also provides help for the protection of the plant so that it would not be stained and therefore, it would not be able to develop a disease due to the pathogens developing in humid ecosystems. By using trellis for tomatoes, the leaves get to be spoiled because they get to be well-aerated. The farmer then will be benefitted for being able to reduce labor cost during the cultivation and the harvesting time.

Fruits are also kept intact with tomato net use, and this allows for easier harvesting. As the groves get to be quite free, weeding is also easier. The main objective here is to make sure that tomatoes grow healthy to produce better yields. What better way to ensure that there is enough support than to tutor and support the tomatoes plants so that they can be prevented from damages – like wind damage. After the process of trellising the tomatoes, the ground cover can then be provided to thwart topsoil erosion. Ground cover also helps in supplying air, water and nutrients to the roots of the plants.

tomato crops used a support method

For get better result, is recommended install before to plant the seeds of the tomato plants.

In trellising tomato plants, it is recommended for the trellis to be installed prior to planting the tomato. In installing the trellis, you need to remember that tall trellises have two parts – the lower part with legs goes into the ground. Zigzagging between every panel is required and should be positioned over the pre-organized garden bed. The legs should be pushed hard to make sure that they are firmly stuck into the ground. Attaching the top half is done by placing the trellis legs in the receptacles.

Do not forget that proper anchoring is needed or else the trellis can be destroyed by string wind. Additionally, plant the tomatoes only on one side of the trellis – this allows for easier and faster harvesting. Anchoring also lets the plants mature well and healthy because they are not crowded.

Why Use of Tomato Raffia Twine is Considered a Thing of the Past

tomato harvest in cropfield

The use of the Trellis net provide more advantages to your crops that the use of the raffia.

Most greenhouse tomatoes get support from stout wires that run parallel to surface of the soil at about six feet above. The wires are placed directly over the tomato plants are connected to the greenhouse framing. Sisal twine or a strong type of string is the common choice for tomato plant support. One end of any of these materials is directly wired above the tomato plant. The other end gets loosely tied around the plant close to the ground. The plant is allowed a few days to grow and then the tie is loosely winded around the twine or string.

Another, was to support tomato plants, is by using light stakes. These are pushed into the ground/soil close to the plant base and tied at the small wire overhead top. Tying a soft twine or tomato raffia twine tightly and securely around the stake is the best practice. The twine must be tied two to three inches over the fruit cluster of leaf petiole and then looped under the base (fruit cluster or petiole).

This practice though has long been considered passé by modern tomato growers. It is their belief that use of raffia for tutoring and growing tomatoes results in strangulation or injury to the stem. With the use of innovation and specially designed tomato net system though, tomatoes are allowed to grow healthy.

If you want your tomatoes to grow healthier, you need to consider the best support system. Tomato net system comes highly recommended because it is efficient, easy to install and proven effective. In addition, trellising may require a lot of hard work but it can also be creative, attractive and fun.

tomato crops in garden

The trellis net don’t require many space, being a ideal method for support to the crops.

Little amount of space is all that is required with use of trellis, and this means that there is more room for more tomatoes because they can be planted closer to each other. Without such support system, planting tomatoes will be a difficult task and sometime very unrewarding too.

Supporting the plants from the start allows for the plants to grow right and bloom well. This will eventually lead to fruit production that is healthy and nutritious. Give your soil the chance to provide you with crop productivity that you will surely be proud of. With the use of tomato net system, tutoring and growing tomatoes has never been this easy.